Chris Colohan, the former the vocalist of Cursed, who broke up in 2008, is staying busy with music, writing, and… vegan bacon grease?! In an interview with Munchie, the vocalist explained how he came up with his vegan concoction.

” I was messing around with clarified canola oil and other shortenings, synthetic bacon bits, fried onion and garlic, and just eating it. At some point, I got industrious enough that I made a few dozen jars at once and took them to TBC (a vegan bakery here in my end of Toronto). I wasn’t expecting much out of it, so I didn’t know until a few weeks after that the reaction to the idea that someone had cracked a vegan version of bacon grease had gone so far and wide. From there, it was a patent, then a business, and then a life plan in a really short time.”

Colohan, a vegan since he was 19, hooks up his vegan friends and bands with Magic Vegan Bacon Grease when they come through town, and he’s started working on “a vegan cheese spread.”

Colohan stays busy with his two current musical projects, Burning Love and Left for Dead, but on the subject of a Cursed reunion?

“I’d rather play to 15 kids in someone’s basement with BL (like Cursed did for 9/10ths of our run) than some overblown reunion show that’s nothing like our lives or friendships really are. I don’t need any amount of money that badly.”

(via Munchie)