So Apple is teasing a little something on their home page that’s taking place tomorrow. “Tomorrow is just another day. That you’ll never forget.” Hmm. What’s that mean? Guess we’ll have to wait to find out. The unveiling is 10amEST tomorrow (duh). We already know that iTunes is lengthening the preview time of the songs sold from 30 seconds to 90 seconds, but that’s not anything that we’d ‘never forget.’ Perhaps The Beatles standoff could be over and their catalog will become available on iTunes, but that’s not necessarily a super exciting event either. There’s been a lot of discussion around Apple eventually going to “cloud” computing, meaning all your music would be stored somewhere you could access without syncing with a computer, but that seems far enough away that if it were to happen tomorrow, the blogosphere would know about it. Guess we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see how exciting the “exciting announcement” is.

Update, 5:50pm: According to the Wall Street Journal, the Beatles catalog will be made available in iTunes. That will end a decades-long standoff with the band. In 1978, the Beatles sued Apple for trademark infringement because their label was also called Apple. It will end one of the biggest gaps in iTunes; library. iTunes is the #1 music retailer worldwide.

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Bram Teitelman