wickstrumWho: Nether Regions/Atriarch/SubArachnoid Space/Anzio Bridgehead/Divine Rite bassist Joe Wickstrom
What For:  Hospital bills
Seeking: $16,666
Collected: $7,932
Days Left: 32
Chance of successful campaign: high

As you can tell from the amount of bands he’s in or has been involved with, Joe Wickstrom is heavily involved in music. As the founder of Nether Regions and current bassist of Atriarch, he’s a fixture in the Portland OR heavy music scene and beyond. He’s also been undergoing some pretty serious health issues due to an artificial graft implanted in his leg to keep blood flowing. The graft continues to fail, costing Wickstrom mutiple hospitalizations and some serious cash, even with insurance. The metal community is banding around the bassist, but he can definitely use some help.

For more information, and to donate, go to this link.

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Bram Teitelman