The popular Unmasked show, which airs on SiriusXM’s comedy channel Raw Dog, has seen host Ron Bennington interview the likes of Marc Maron, Jimmy Fallon and Louis C.K. Now Jim Florentine, That Metal Show co-host, Metal Blade Records recording artist and one of our top metal comedians, will be sitting down for a taping. The show will be a one-hour in-depth interview with the comedian. And while the show usually tapes at SiriusXM’s studios, Bennington and Florentine will be recording the show in front of a live audience at NYC comedy club The Stand one week from today on Wednesday, July 9th.
While the taping is bound to fill up pretty quickly, Metal Insider is giving away a pair of tickets. Just send an email to with ‘Florentine’ in the subject heading to enter. We’ll pick a winner at random on Monday, July 7th.