Metal Inside(r) Home Quarantine is Metal Insider’s new column during this time of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We asked artists five questions on what’s been keeping them busy ranging from their favorite movies, food they’ve been eating, music they’ve been listening to and more. We caught up with Scattered Storm as they’ve been spending this time writing a lot of music.


What have you been doing to pass time during Quarantine?

Writing a lot of music and trying to stay in shape for when the touring season starts. In other words, trying not to overeat and keeping the mind busy. 


Have you been listening to any music or have any playlists worth checking out?

Well you can listen to our other projects like Pissing Razors, No Life on Earth, Hereafter the Wave, Mondoshwan and listen to Apple’s Metal playlist on Itunes which we are featured on and Nuclear Blast Spotify’s playlist which we are featured on as well. 


A lot of people have been spending this time cooking, including making their own bread. What food have you been prepping during this time?

It is all about steaks, chicken and fish at my house. So that includes a lot of cookouts!


In terms of entertainment, what movies, TV shows, books, or games have been keeping you busy?

Kevin and I (Jay) Love Bloodborne, Doom, God of War, Death stranding to name a few. Books we all love HP Lovecraft. TV shows any quirky and funny stuff and personally I just finished the masterpiece Hannibal Series.


What advice do you have for your fans in isolation during this time?

Do not despair. Shows are coming back soon and hopefully some sense of normality. Hope to see you all soon.


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Zenae Zukowski