
If you’ve never heard of a Cleveland, OH band called Craw, you’re not alone; the post-hardcore act hasn’t put out an album since 2002 and the three albums that proceed it have been out of print since the late 90’s. Yet, in their prime, the band sat alongside acts like The Jesus Lizard, Fugazi, and Slint and was regarded at the forefront of the post-rock movement. Determined to bring Craw’s music back into the public eye, Hank Shteamer (writer for Pitchfork, Noisey, Invisible Oranges) has started a Kickstarter project that involves creating a 6-LP box set of Craw’s reissued first three studio albums that will be delivered directly to fans. The pledge goal is set at $23,500 and so far it has garnered $9,600 at the time of writing this post. It currently has 6 days to go until the deadline. Check out a video with testimonials from the likes of Aaron Turner of Isis (and owner of Hydra Head, which Craw’s last album came out on) and Mike Hill of Tombs.

If you haven’t heard of Craw, you’ll probably want to know what this band at least sounds like before you go ahead an throw money at the Kickstarter. You can check out the band’s last release Bodies for Strontium 90 on the Hydra Head Records Bandcamp. Personally? I think it’s great stuff. I’d never heard of this band when I woke up this morning, but I certainly wouldn’t mind learning more after hearing this album. Check them out for yourself below.

[bandcamp width=350 height=753 album=3587308425 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5]

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Matt Brown