Despite Motley Crue turning 30 years old this coming Winter, two things will never change: 1. Nikki Sixx will always hate Poison, and 2. Sixx isn’t afraid to fight it out with an audience member.
During Crue’s headlining performance at the Outlaw Jam at Frederick Fairgrounds in Frederick, Maryland this past Saturday (July 30), Six spotted a fan in the audience filming the show with a professional-style camera. Sixx was so enraged by this that he jumped from the stage and into the audience to confront the videotaper. Security guards reportedly had to pull the bassist back on stage as they escorted the fan out of the venue.
We don’t necessarily blame Sixx for being angry that someone was illegally filming their show. However, we can’t help but fine it ironic that the incident Sixx trying to stop a videotaper…was caught on video. Don’t worry though, they weren’t professionally filmed. You can watch Sixx jumping from the stage up top, and another video of him being pulled out of the audience by security after the jump.