Following the news that Pauly Shore’s father, Sammy Shore, passed away on Saturday night (18), Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters decided to pay tribute to the father-son comedy duo during their Sunday evening set at the Sonic Temple Festival. Pauly Shore, who was supposed to perform on the comedy stage that day, was invited onstage by the band for their performance of “My Hero,” which they dedicated to him and Sammy.
“This one’s for you Pauly…goes out to Pauly,” said Grohl before launching into the song. During the song, Grohl had Shore come out and address the crowd, amping them up, talking about his father and showing off a shirt he was wearing with his photo on the front.
Sammy Shore got his start as a comedian in the “Borscht Belt” of New York’s Catskill Mountains before heading out to the west coast. He eventually ended up opening for musicians and comedians, including Elvis Presley. In 1972, he and first wife Mitzi Shore co-founded famed Los Angeles comedy club The Comedy Store, which became the place for up-and-coming and nationally known comedians to perform, including Jay Leno, Robin Williams, David Letterman and more. For the last two decades, Pauly and Sammy had been touring together as a father-son duo. Shore was 92 when he passed.
Video of the performance was circulated by The Comedy Store on Instagram with the caption “Thank you Dave & @foofighters for this tribute to Sammy!”
Pauly also thanked the band for the tribute, posting another video of the performance to Instagram
“Thank you Dave Grohl and @FooFighters for inviting me on-stage to honor my father Sammy Shore, who just passed the night before. Tons of people captured it, but I really dug Vegasn 2001’s YouTube video. Thank you.”
The Foo Fighters continue to tour throughout the summer and fall, playing a handful of festival and
stadium dates in Europe, the US and South America.
Thank you Dave Grohl and @FooFighters for inviting me on-stage to honor my father Sammy Shore, who just passed the night before. Tons of people captured it, but I really dug Vegasn 2001’s YouTube video. Thank you @SonicTempleFest #MyHero #DaveGrohl #Columbus #thecomedystore
— Pauly Shore (@PaulyShore) May 21, 2019