It’s been a hell of a year for Code Orange already. They released Forever, which will probably wind up on some top 10 lists come year’s end. They’ve also played at WWE NXT’s Brooklyn event and done some great tours as well. Last Friday, they played Amityville, NY’s Revolution and our friends at Washed Up Media were there and caught the band’s full set. Check it out below. Here’s what they said about it:

Code Orange rolled through our local venue so we figured why not break out the camera. Love the energy these guys (and gal) bring to their live shows, super intense and very tight. This was my first time seeing them since the release of Forever, and I must say those songs really translate wall to a live setting. Enjoy the video, share it with a fellow fan, subscribe, but most importantly go pick up a copy of Code Orange’s album Forever!!


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Bram Teitelman