Maryland Deathfest lineup coming together

While next May seems like an eternity away, the announcement of a bunch more of the bands playing the Maryland Deathfest should help get you through the cold of winter. Among the artists added are Dark Angle, Triptykon, Black Breath, and Sourvein. And despite all of...

Our Contributors’ Year End Lists

Y’know, this blog doesn’t run itself, and without the contributions made by the people that write for us and support us, there’s be even less content than the “not enough content” that there already is. With that in mind, we’ve...

Metal By Numbers 11/3: When Album Sales Fail

Metal By Numbers is a weekly column in which we look at the top metal sellers and debuts of the week. You may have noticed that there was no Metal By Numbers report last week. Well have no fear, because we’re back! However, we certainly chose a sad week to return....