by Matt Brown | Oct 19, 2016 | Metal By Numbers
Metal By Numbers is a weekly column in which we look at the top metal sellers and debuts of the week. We’ve seen more than a few bands hit new strides on this column, some new some old. In this case, while the achievements of Alter Bridge and Dance Gavin Dance...
by Metal Insider | Oct 7, 2016 | New & Noteworthy, New Music, News
We enter October with one of the most anticipated releases of the year. I realize that I’ve been opening these articles with some variation on that phrase quite a bit over the past month, but each time its use has been incredibly justified, and this week is no...
by Metal Insider | Apr 27, 2016 | New Music, News, Touring
There’s been some controversy over the latest Whitechapel album. A few weeks ago, a rumor leaked that it would be all clean singing- and let’s be honest here, no one wanted that. While you could probably make an argument that Whitechapel really isn’t...
by Seth Werkheiser | Oct 22, 2015 | News, Touring
Phinehas are out on tour right now with For Today, Fit For A King, Gideon, and Silent Planet, and after their show in St. Louis last night they hit a deer on Route 64, destroying their van. Thankfully everyone was okay, and they’re already back on the road with...
by Seth Werkheiser | Nov 11, 2014 | News, Touring
The Eternal Enemies Tour was announced back in August, headlined by the unlikely pairing of Emmure and The Acacia Strain. Stray From The Path, however, have just announced that they’ll be dropping off the tour that starts in the next just under two weeks. The...