Electric Wizard will be releasing their eighth album, Time to Die, on September 30th. You’ve already gotten a chance to listen to “I am Nothing,” an epic 11:30 long doomy jam that’s in no hurry to hook you, which is why it did almost immediately. The next song to be released from the album, “SadioWitch,” is a lot more immediate, but no less brutal. The song’s almost two-thirds shorter than “I am Nothing,” but is another stonery jam from the UK quartet. What’s NSFW about the song, which from what we can hear, has no curses on it? Nothing, except for the album artwork, because nipples.

You can preorder Time to Die at the band’s awesomely-titled website. It comes out on September 30th in the States and a day earlier everywhere else.

[via theprp]

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Bram Teitelman