Slipknot have released live footage of their first ever live performance of “The Stapeltown Rag.” The new single emanates from a place as yet unannounced, a new album perhaps. The song was released on November 5th and performed live, for the first time, the same day at Knotfest LA. The band livestreamed the performance in a unique way, by surrounding drummer Jay Weinberg with cameras and shooting his performance from the rare vantage point of behind the drum kit.

The multi camera live video can be seen below!

Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor described the song as,

“a punisher,” saying it documents what happens when the distortions of mass media circulate within the echo chambers of social media.

“It’s classic Slipknot. And it’s frenetic. But lyrically, it’s coming from a point of talking about the various manipulations that can happen when social media meets media itself. And the different ways that these manipulations can try to pull us in different directions, in the fact that we’re all becoming addicts to it, which is very, very dangerous.”

M. Shawn Crahan, Clown from Slipknot, added:

“‘The Chapeltown Rag’ facilitates a sort of mindset that you’re going to like: it’s along the barnburner side of things.”

Taylor elaborates:

“I wasn’t even sure if that part was going to be the chorus, to be honest, but I just love the way that the chord progression lent itself this weird, chromatic, minor vibe to it, which I had never really done before. I played with it on ‘Vermilion’ years ago, but I had never really given it a little more aggression. The harmony that I created for it was just so fucking weird as well that it just gives it that slight dissonant vibe, but it’s also very, very melodic and hummable. Writing and pulling yourself out of trying to keep it in some sort of structure allows you to just fucking rip the scab off and let the wound be what it is. Then obviously, the big breakdown at the end where it just fucking goes off the rails is is so heavy, dude.”



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Mark Zapata