Bring Me The Horizon have dropped a new music video called “In the Dark” featuring the well-known actor Forest Whitaker. The band originally met Whitaker back in 2017 after his daughter, Sonnet, brought him to one of their shows. During an interview with NME, frontman Oli Sykes talked about meeting Whitaker:

“We met Forest a couple of years back. His daughter is a fan of the band and he came to a show with her. Any time that we’re in the same town, he usually comes down to a show. He was at All Points East and he’s just a really good dude.

This is something that we’ve been trying to do for ages. He was actually going to be the main guy in ‘Mantra‘, but it just didn’t work out in the end because of timing and scheduling, so it ended up being me.”

Being that Sykes directed the video, he elaborated on the concept of the song:

“I guess it’s meant to be a representation of the grieving process. It’s a visual metaphor for what the song is talking about. When it comes to the grieving process, we all try to ignore that feeling – but it’s important to grieve.

Even if something’s happened for the best, you need to take that moment to feel something. Some people lose a whole world to grief sometimes, while others just don’t grieve. Sometimes we’re just too scared to face our emotions.”

Sykes also commented about how the song focuses on what is happening in the world right now and is bigger than his emotions and breakups.

“I don’t want to focus too much on what the song is about, because it feels so insignificant now. It’s not something that I’ve really been thinking about.

Basically, Forest is the protagonist and a lot of people are counting on him to be able to recall these memories and process them. The spectrum of his emotions is impacting on all of these different experiments. I wanted it to have a message for what’s going on in the world right now.

A lot of people are refusing to accept what’s happening, because they’ll have to take action and make some physical changes to their lives.”

“It’s a mirror to how we don’t want to face up to things. A lot of people are refusing to accept what’s happening, because they know that in accepting it, they’ll have to take action and make some physical changes to their lives.

It’s about something bigger than my emotions and my breakup, this is about what’s happening on the planet right now.”

Check out “In the Dark” below!

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Chris Annunziata