Tomorrow (7th), Myrkur’s new EP Juniper is scheduled to arrive. The artist has already shared the title track and now, she’s unveiled a video of her reinterpretation for the Danish folk song, “Bonden og Kragen.” (or Kragevise).  

Myrkur commented:

“The song dates back to around 1600. It exists in many different versions, including Swedish and Norwegian. The tale features a peasant/farmer who ventures into the woods and shoots a crow. A local Church Bishop gets word of this and demands to know what the peasant will use the dead crow for. Back then, the Church would take from the farmers and they were not fully allowed to own their livestock and crops. In response, the peasant starts making up a very long and unrealistic list of every part of the crow that he will use as a way refusing a tribute.”

Watch the video below and pre-order the EP here.

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Zenae Zukowski