Three days ago, Prophets of Rage premiered a video for their new song, “Radical Eyes” taken from their upcoming full-length self-titled debut album, which will be released on September 15th. Similar to their previous video releases such as “Living on the 110” and “Unfuck the World,” the clip had its debut on the band’s YouTube page. However, between 48-72 hours later, YouTube pulled the plug and banned it claiming that it’d been censored by right-wing complaints.

The band stated:

“Video banned from YouTube for “violent or graphic content” after whining complaints from right-wing censors. We will not be silenced.”

It’s hard to substantiate why the video was banned, and apparently, it wasn’t that big of a deal, as the video is back on Youbute now. Here’s the Facebook version.

[via ThePrp]

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Zenae Zukowski