Mastodon are hard at work crafting their follow up to 2014’s Once More ‘Round the Sun in the studio, and they’re going to have a guest bassist on the album – drummer Brann Dailor. Dailor has been expanding his role in the band since 2007, when he sang lead on “Oblivion” and “Crack the Skye.” Now, apparently, for at least one song, he’ll be playing bass, and not just any bass – his granmother’s.
“Just played my Grandma Jeanne’s bass on our new album,” his Instagram post reads. “Thanks to my best friends @bhinds @butterslax @mastodonrocks and especially @troysanders for letting me play tribute to a very important person in my life. RIP.” This isn’t the first time the band have paid tribute to a family member. The Hunter was dedicated to Brent Hinds’ brother, who died in a hunting accident during the making of that album. Crack the Skye was partially about Dailor’s sister, who committed suicide when she was 14.
The as-yet-untitled album will be out in the first quarter of next year. Brendan ‘O Brien is producing the record, which will be Mastodon’s seventh.