Amplified is a weekly column focusing on new and emerging artists. Got a band that fits the bill? Email

If you read Amplified regularly, you’ll know that we’re no strangers to international submissions. It’s easy to send an email, so we’ll find ourselves sorting through metal bands from every corner of the world each week. What’s a lot more rare, however, is having those submissions actually mailed here. So, when an envelope plastered in clearances from Russian customs crossed my desk this week, the contents of that envelope were definitely going to get some attention.

What we found inside was Sarpentra’s debut album, Supernova. The sheet that came along with it had some interesting things to say, namely that the band represents “Hymns to the triumph of the Mind above limited and animal perception, blind faith and an imitation of a life. Liberation of consciousness and freedom from the chains laid on our minds is possible only through the evolution of Man.” …well. That’s definitely a far cry from the usual “face-shredding and sure to start a big ol’ pit!” non-descriptions you’re used to seeing, even if it’s just as vague in a surreal, new-agey kind of way. 

Make no mistake, though, Enya this is not: this is blackened death metal on the more refined, polished side – the band’s subtle, twisted orchestrations alongside some of the more grim sections, combined with the multitracked approach to the vocals in the record’s excellent production lends Sarpentra a very similar vibe to Behemoth, and that’s never going to be a bad thing. Give that a bit more of a technical, shreddy edge and the band shows more of their own identity as the record progresses.It doesn’t let up for most of its runtime; Supernova furiously blasts through 42 minutes only interrupted by the occasional orchestral interlude.

Check out Supernova’s massive opening track, “Iron Nails Run In” below, and download the whole thing on iTunes! The record is available for physical purchase internationally on Bigcartel as well.
